

1. 我们收集哪些个人数据?


  • 联系信息,例如个人和公司地址,以及个人和公司电话/传真号码和电子邮件地址;
  • 个人身份信息,如姓名、出生日期、国籍、性别和出生国;以及
  • 就业资格信息,例如获得的证书和学位,语言和技能,软件经验,专业会员,长处和技术专业领域概要,加入康普之前的工作情况(以前的雇主和担任的职位,日期,地点,主管,责任,工资),简历和求职信,之前雇主提供的推荐和信息,相关背景调查(在允许的范围内,并且符合适用法律)。




2. 我们使用和处理个人数据的目的和依据是什么?


处理目的 涉及的个人数据类别 法律依据
招聘活动,包括管理招聘、做出招聘决定(包括评估资格、在申请过程中跟踪候选人及进行面试)、验证证书和过往工作经历、在适用法律允许的范围内开展背景调查,以及在获得候选资格后完成招聘过程并接受康普提供的职位(包括与入职和录用流程有关的活动)。 联系信息、个人身份信息、就业资格信息

• 为与您签订就业合同,必需完成此步骤。

• 为履行公司承担的法律义务,必需完成此步骤。

• 为实现公司或附属公司追求的合法权益,必需完成此步骤,如第一列所示。

遵守适用法律和就业相关要求及管理相关要求,包括用于人权、就业公平和“反海外腐败法”和类似筛选(如适用)等目的的记录保存和报告。 联系信息、个人身份信息、就业资格信息

• 为与您签订就业合同,必需完成此步骤。

• 为履行公司承担的法律义务,必需完成此步骤。

• 为实现公司或附属公司追求的合法权益,必需完成此步骤,如第一列所示。


3. 在什么情况下,个人数据会传输给其他接收方?


  • 在康普集团公司内部。出于处理目的,特别是为了开展招聘和雇用活动,以及响应和遵守请求和法律要求,我们会在美国的康普集团公司之间共享您的个人数据,尤其是与美国北卡罗来纳州的康普公司(统称为“康普集团公司”)共享您的个人数据。如果您调职到康普集团公司旗下的另一家公司,我们可能应新雇主的要求,向其发送您的人事档案,以便其管理您的新雇佣关系;
  • 与某些收购实体或被收购实体。如果您提交个人数据所在的康普公司(关系到您对就业岗位的兴趣)全部或部分出售或转让,或者如果康普收购另一实体并将其整合到您申请就业岗位的康普实体或企业中,那么在交易之前(例如在尽职调查阶段)或交易后,根据适用法律规定的权利,包括其他实体所在的司法管辖区法律,您的个人数据可能会转移到其他实体;及
  • 与数据处理方。某些第三方服务提供商,如 IT 支持或 HR 支持提供商,无论是否属于附属公司,都将出于处理目的,尤其是为了开展招聘和雇用活动、遵守适用法律和雇佣相关要求以及其他活动,按需根据适当的指示,接收并处理您的个人数据(“数据处理方”)。这些数据处理方将承担合同义务,实施适当的技术和组织安全措施,保护个人数据,以及完全按照指示处理个人数据。


  • 某些接收方位于欧洲经济区以外的国家/地区,依据欧洲数据保护法,认定该国家/地区提供充分的数据保护,例如阿根廷、加拿大(适用于受《加拿大个人信息保护和电子文件法》约束的非公共组织)、瑞士和新西兰。美国的某些接收方已获得欧盟-美国隐私盾认证,因此依据欧洲数据保护法,也认定为提供充分的数据保护。
  • 其他接收方所在的国家/地区,依据欧洲数据保护法,并未提供充分的数据保护(特别是美国和印度)。公司将采取一切必要措施,确保根据适用数据保护法要求,充分保护从欧盟/欧洲经济区转移出境的数据。
    • 对于向未提供充分数据保护的国家/地区传输数据,我们可能会采取适当的保障措施,例如欧盟委员会或监管机构采纳的标准数据保护条款、经批准的行为准则以及接收方具有约束力和可执行的承诺,或经批准的认证机制以及接收方具有约束力和可执行的承诺。您可以按照下文第 7 节所述联系我们,索取适当保障措施的副本。
    • 若数据处理方既未经欧盟-美国隐私盾认证,也未在具有其他充分性决定的国家/地区,那么向此类数据处理方传输数据通常也会采取此类标准数据保护条款来保护。




4. 康普将我的个人数据保留多长时间?




我的个人资料 > 搜索选项和隐私 > 查看数据隐私声明 > 撤销 > 删除所有数据


5. 自动化决策

康普在某些有限的决策上采取自动化方式,包括出于招聘目的的个人概况分析,以便将潜在候选人范围有效缩小至可在提供职位的国家/地区合法就业的人员(例如工作许可证、永久居民或公民身份),以及具有相应职位行业标准最低资格的人员(例如专业执照)。如果您申请的职位位于您没有就业资格的国家/地区,或是需要行业标准最低资格的职位,则会自动拒绝您的申请。关于这方面的其他信息详列下文第 6 (vii) 节。


6. 我有哪些权利?


根据适用的数据保护法,您还有权:(1) 请求访问您的个人数据;(2) 请求更正您的个人数据;(3) 请求删除您的个人数据;(4) 请求限制您个人数据的处理;(5) 请求迁移您的个人数据;和/或 (6) 反对处理您的个人数据。请注意,根据适用的国家数据保护法,上述权利可能受到限制。

(i) 访问权:在某些情况下,根据适用数据保护法的规定,您有权向我们确认是否处理您的个人数据,在这种情况下,您有权请求访问个人数据。访问信息尤其包括处理目的、相关个人数据的类别以及已接收或将接收个人数据的接收方或接收方类别。但是,这不是绝对权利,其他人的利益可能会限制您的访问权。


(ii) 纠正权:在某些情况下,根据适用数据保护法的规定,您有权向我们更正您不准确的个人数据。根据处理的目的,您可能有权将不完整的个人数据补充完毕,包括以补充声明的方式。

(iii) 删除权(遗忘权):在某些情况下,根据适用数据保护法的规定,您有权向我们要求删除您的个人数据,而我们也可能有义务删除此类个人数据。

(iv) 限制处理的权利:在某些情况下,根据适用数据保护法的规定,您有权向我们要求限制您个人数据的处理。在这种情况下,相应的数据将做标记,并且只能由我们出于某些目的来处理。由于公司处理和使用您的个人数据主要是为了与您建立合同雇佣关系,因此原则上公司将拥有合法的处理权益,这将优先于您的限制请求,除非限制请求与营销活动相关。

(v) 数据迁移权:在某些情况下,根据适用数据保护法的规定,您有权以结构化、常用和机器可读的格式,接收您提供给我们的个人数据,并且有权将这些数据传输给其他实体,而我们不会阻碍。

(vi) 反对权:这是文本顶部的结尾



如果您有权反对,并且您行使此权利,除非公司根据 GDPR 证明有令人信服的合法理由,否则我们将不再出于此类目的处理您的个人数据。您可以按照下文第 7 节所述联系我们,行使这项权利。



(vii) 不服从仅仅基于自动处理而做出的决定的权利:在某些情况下,您有权不服从仅仅基于自动处理(包括剖析)而做出的决定,此类决定会在法律上对您产生影响,或者以类似的方式对您产生重大影响。如果此类权利适用,我们将允许您请求人为干预,表达您的观点和/或对决定提出异议,但这样做未必会改变结果。如要行使您的权利,请按照下文第 7 节所述联系我们。您也有权向相关数据保护监督机构提出投诉。

7. 如有疑问,如何与联系人联系?

如果您对本声明有疑问,或者如果您想申请权利或获取有关您个人数据适当保障措施的副本,请通过 privacycontact@commscope.com 联系我们。


datenschutz süud GmbH
Wörthstraße 15
97082 Würzburg, Germany

8. California Applicant Data Protection Notice

Effective 2023年1月01日, the California Consumer Privacy Act ("CCPA") and the California Privacy Rights Act ("CPRA") (collectively, "California Privacy Law") require the provision of a privacy notice to California applicants using a specified format. This section explains how CommScope uses personal data about California residents who submit their job applications to CommScope ("Applicant Data") and summarizes the rights available to California residents.

We do not sell your Applicant Data or share it for cross-context behavioural advertising. We do not engage in providing financial incentives for the disclosure of California Personal Information.

Categories of Applicant Data

CommScope collects and processes the following categories of Applicant Data, including but not limited to:

  • Identifiers;
  • 专业或就业相关信息;
  • Characteristics of protected classes;
  • Education information; and
  • Inferences drawn from the information collected.

In addition, CommScope may collect, process, and use Applicant Data that may be considered sensitive personal information within the meaning of California Privacy Law (“Sensitive Applicant Data”) including social security and driver's license numbers. CommScope only uses and discloses Sensitive Applicant Data as necessary to provide benefits, to perform and enforce the employment  relationship and obligations, to comply with federal, state, or local laws, and otherwise as permitted by the California Privacy Law.

Sources of Applicant Data

We generally receive Applicant Data directly from you or from third parties, that assist with recruitment, such as recruitment agencies and job boards, and other employment-related purposes described below.

Uses of Applicant Data

CommScope will process Applicant Data, including Sensitive Applicant Data, for the following recruitment-related business purposes ("Processing Purposes"):

  • Recruiting and hiring activities, including administering your recruitment, making a hiring decision (including assessing qualifications, tracking candidates during the application process, and carrying out interviews), verification of credentials and prior employment history, performing background checks where permitted by applicable law, and completing the hiring process in case you should be offered and accept a position with CommScope (including activities related to on-boarding and the new hire process); and
  • Complying with applicable laws and employment-related requirements along with the administration of those requirements, including record keeping and reporting for human rights, employment equity, and Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and similar screenings (where applicable).

Please note that CommScope does not use Applicant Data for commercial purposes (i.e., to advance CommScope's economic interests through marketing or monetization). Additionally, CommScope does not engage in the sale or sharing of Applicant Data as defined under California Privacy Law.

Disclosure of Applicant Data

You should expect that the Company will transfer your Applicant Data to third parties as follows:

  • 在康普集团公司内部。We share your Applicant Data amongst the CommScope group of companies, and in particular with CommScope, Inc. of North Carolina in the United States (collectively, the "CommScope Group of Companies"), as necessary for the processing purposes, and in particular to conduct recruiting and hiring activities, and respond to and comply with requests and legal demands. 如果您调职到康普集团公司旗下的另一家公司,我们可能应新雇主的要求,向其发送您的人事档案,以便其管理您的新雇佣关系;
  • 与某些收购实体或被收购实体。If the CommScope business for which you submitted your Applicant Data, in relation to your interest for an employment position, is sold or transferred in whole or in part or if CommScope is acquiring and integrating another entity into the CommScope entity or business for which you applied for an employment position, your Applicant Data may be transferred to the other entity prior to the transaction (e.g., during the diligence phase) or after the transaction, subject to any rights provided by applicable law, including the laws of the jurisdictions where the other entity is located; and
  • 与数据处理方。Certain third party service providers such as IT support or HR support providers, whether affiliated or unaffiliated, will receive your Applicant Data to process such data under appropriate instructions ("Data Processors") as necessary for the processing purposes, in particular to conduct recruiting and hiring activities, comply with applicable laws and employment-related requirements, and other activities. These Data Processors will be subject to contractual obligations to implement appropriate technical and organizational security measures to safeguard the Applicant Data and to process the Applicant Data only as instructed.

Retention of Applicant Data

Your Applicant Data is stored by the CommScope Group of Companies, and/or our service providers, strictly to the extent necessary for the performance of our obligations and strictly for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which the Applicant Data is collected, in accordance with applicable data protection laws. When the CommScope Group of Companies no longer needs to use your Applicant Data, we will remove it from our systems and records and/or take steps to properly render it unintelligible it so that you can no longer be identified from it (unless we need to keep your Applicant Data to comply with legal or regulatory obligations to which the CommScope Group of Companies is subject). CommScope will generally retain your Applicant Data in accordance with the applicable CommScope record retention schedule, unless retention for a longer period is warranted due to a legal requirement, including the need to support or defend a legal claim that is not yet barred by the applicable statute of limitations.

Exercising Your Rights

Subject to certain exceptions, pursuant to California Privacy Law, as a California resident and CommScope’s applicant you may have the right to: (i) deletion of your Applicant Data; (ii) correction of inaccurate Applicant Data; (iii) the right to know/ access the categories of Applicant Data that we collect about you, including the specific pieces of Applicant Data; and (iv) the right to know the categories of Applicant Data disclosed for a business purpose.

You have the right to designate an Authorized Agent. To the extent that you elect to designate an authorized agent to make a request on your behalf, they must provide appropriate documentation including written signed permission from you, proof of your identity, and verification of their identity; or a valid, designated power of attorney as defined under the California Probate Code.

To exercise your rights please initiate your request by sending an email to DataPrivacyLead@commscope.com.  Verbal requests or those made through other means (e.g., email to manager) cannot be honored.

Authorized Agents

To the extent that you elect to designate an authorized agent to make a request on your behalf, they must provide appropriate documentation including written signed permission from you, proof of your identity, and verification of their identity; or a valid, designated power of attorney as defined under the California Probate Code.

We will not discriminate against you as an applicant based solely upon this request.


Applicants who have any questions about this Notice should contact us at privacycontact@commscope.com

9. Additional Data Protection Notice for Applicants Located in China

For job applicants or other potential employees ("Applicants") located in China, this Section contains disclosures on the rights and protections regarding CommScope's processing of your Personal Data in connection with its recruiting and hiring activities pursuant to the Personal Information Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China ("PIPL"). For the purpose of this section, “PRC” or "China" solely refers to the mainland of the People’s Republic of China.

Personal Information Processor

When you submit your job applications to or otherwise interact with a CommScope entity located in China in the course of recruiting and hiring activities, such CommScope China entity (i.e., [CommScope Telecommunications (China) Co., Ltd.]) is the Personal Information Processor that collects and processes your Personal Data as defined under the PIPL.

Collection and Processing of Personal Data

Please refer to Sections 1 (What Personal Data do we collect?) and 2 (For what purposes and on what bases do we use and process Personal Data?) of this Notice for the types of Personal Data that we may collect and the purposes for which we process your Personal Data.

We will only collect and process your sensitive Personal Data to the extent that such processing is necessary to achieve the specific purposes as described in this Notice, and our processing of your sensitive Personal Data will be equipped with strict security measures and be conducted in a manner of having the least impact on your personal rights and interests. If you do not want us to process such data, you may choose not to provide us with or grant us access to such data.

Legal Bases for Data Processing

We may collect and process your Personal Data under one or more of the following circumstances stipulated in the PIPL:

  • where we have obtained your consent;
  • where it is required to conclude and perform a contract to which you are a party, or to implement human resources management in accordance with employment rules and policies formulated and collective contracts concluded according to law;
  • where it is required to perform statutory obligations or legal duties;
  • where it is required to respond to public health emergencies, or to protect the life, health and property safety of natural persons in emergencies;
  • where Personal Data is processed to a reasonable extent for the purposes of news report, public opinion supervision and other acts for public interest;
  • Where Personal Data has already been made public by your own or through other legitimate channels, and processing of such Personal Data is done pursuant to applicable laws and to a reasonable extent; or
  • where it is required by applicable laws or administrative regulations.

Sharing and Transfer of Personal Data

As we operate our business globally, we may share your Personal Data amongst the CommScope Group of Companies or with service providers or other third parties located within or outside of China for the purposes and in a manner specified in Section 3 (Under what conditions is Personal Data transferred to other recipients?) of this Notice.

CommScope will take all necessary steps and comply with all applicable legal requirements to ensure that the recipients located in countries or regions other than China provide an adequate level of protection for your Personal Data as required under China data protection laws. Please contact us if you would like to obtain further information about how we protect your transferred data.

Storage of Your Personal Data

We will store your Personal Data for the shortest period of time that is necessary to achieve the corresponding purposes, and delete or anonymize your Personal Data under the circumstances as provided by the PIPL.

Your Rights and How to Contact Us

You have the following rights with respect to your Personal Data under China data protection laws:

  • the right to access your Personal Data maintained by us;
  • the right to request rectification (correction) of your Personal Data if it is inaccurate or incomplete;
  • the right to request the erasure of your Personal Data in certain circumstances specified under the PIPL, unless we have a legal obligation to process the Personal Data or another exception applies;
  • the right to request us to further explain the rules of processing of your Personal Data which have not been addressed or are otherwise unclear in this Notice;
  • the right to request a machine-readable copy of your Personal Data from us, and to have us transmit that data directly to another controller, where technically feasible and to the extent the conditions required by laws or supervisory authorities are fulfilled; and
  • the right to withdraw your consent with respect to certain types of processing activities to which you have given consent at any time with future effect.

To exercise any of your rights in relation to your Personal Data, to enquire on any aspect of this Notice or your Personal Data, or provide us with any feedback, you may contact us at the contact details specified in Section 7 (How do I reach the contact person for questions?).

You acknowledge and agree that, by providing your Personal Data to and/or interacting with the CommScope China entity in the course of recruiting and hiring activities, you consent to our processing of your Personal Data in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in this Notice, including the processing of your sensitive Personal Data (if any) and the transfer of your Personal Data to other entities within the CommScope group and/or third parties located within or outside of China for the purposes and in the manner described in this Notice.

Last updated: 2024年3月

☐ I consent to the processing of my sensitive Personal Data (if any) by CommScope and the transfer of my Personal Data to recipients located outside of China, including other CommScope entities or third parties, for the purposes and in the manner described in the CommScope Recruiting Data Protection Notice.