High-capacity roof top solutions
CommScope now offers a complete line of high-capacity rooftop pipe sector frames designed for increased loading and lower EPA than traditional angle-based rooftop frames. The new RT-Series rooftop mounts are available in both penetrating and non-penetrating frame designs with multiple face size and pipe count options offered as a single part number to simplify ordering.
Features and Benefits
- Ballasted and Non-Ballasted Models
- Rated for up to 5 Antennas
- 7.5’, 10.5’, 12.5’ and 14.5’ Face Options
- Dual and Single Frame Versions
- Rated to AT&T and TIA-5053 Standards
- Mechanical Adjustments for Roof Pitch
- Heavy Duty 2 7/8” OD Face & Antenna Pipes
- Optional RT-NFR4 RRU Mount Kit Available
Discover more
Selection Guide
Structural Support Products - Microwave Antennas
Rooftop Antenna Mount Passive Intermodulation

PIM-Guard™ MP-PP Monopole Platform
An installation and overview of the monopole platform for base station antennas.