Results for: case study

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Tech-Savvy Seniors Need Bandwidth
While more seniors are becoming tech-savvy, especially with smart phones, they need the bandwidth to support their use. One retirement community saw the growth and demand, and created a network that was future ready. Read more in this blog by Leni Thomas.
National Utility Goes Broadband
Flooding, out-of-date maps, high voltage. Just a few of the challenges one European utility had when building an FTTH network. And don’t forget the mounting costs around every turn. So, what did they do? They called CommScope. James O’Meara has more.
One Cabinet, 5,000 Configurations
When a global MSO expanded its subscriber base, it ran into a host of architecture problems. All the rules and standards seems to vary around the globe. CommScope’s Vincent Garnier talks about what it took to make the process a whole lot more efficient.
Customer Case Study: Quintain Living, Wembley Park
Find out how Quintain utilized Ruckus solutions for network access for residents across their Wembley Park development, one of Europe's largest Build-to-Rent (BTR) development schemes.
Customer Case Study: Quintain Living, Wembley Park - French
Find out how Quintain utilized Ruckus solutions for network access for residents across their Wembley Park development, one of Europe's largest Build-to-Rent (BTR) development schemes.
Customer Case Study: Quintain Living, Wembley Park - Polish
Find out how Quintain utilized Ruckus solutions for network access for residents across their Wembley Park development, one of Europe's largest Build-to-Rent (BTR) development schemes.
RUCKUS case study – Student accommodation scenario
學生們住宿的 Wi-Fi 問題你 get 到了嗎? RUCKUS 的 WiFi 6 技術搭配 RUCKUS Cloudpath 專屬技術憑證,不僅讓連線登入管理超輕鬆,創新的無線技術提升Wi-Fi 6 的連網效能,使用高乘載網速不卡頓,還有專利智能天線技術,有強大的覆蓋能力,到哪上網都方便!更有全自動化SmartCast 優化影像、聲音與資料傳輸品質,上網追劇、連線打怪都給力!
E-Fiber Case Study
Case Study - Digital Gujarat Urban Wi-Fi
Deployment of City Wi-Fi systems in multiple towns of Gujarat for public usage.
Ariel University – RUCKUS case study