Meet the Training Instructors

Tom Gibson
Tom Gibson是一位经验丰富的技术培训专家,拥有超过25年世界级技术培训推广和开发经验。Tom曾是美国海军电子战专家,负责为新兵训练营的入伍新兵提供指导。A CommScope Certified DOCSIS and CMTS operator, Tom is an expert in networking, as well as in DOCSIS and PacketCable technologies. For the past 20 years, he has used his expertise at CommScope to train engineers all over the world. Tom还在当地县教育委员会任职,帮助确保为当地儿童提供优质的公共教育。Tom热衷户外活动、打猎和钓鱼,喜欢一切机械相关活动。

Paul Lukowski
Paul Lukowski is a CommScope Certified DOCSIS and CMTS operator and has over 30 years of experience as a telecommunications professional. 最初在美国空军担任电信专家,负责为数据和语音网络提供支持。而后,Paul进入私营企业担任系统工程师,为各种私营机构提供IP协议、路由器、交换机和LAN支持。他拥有丰富的技术培训经验,包括开发网络培训和导师辅导培训。Paul has over 15 years of experience with CommScope as a technical instructor. 他在多个不同技术领域均表现出精湛能力和专业知识,曾教授过DOCSIS、IP、帧中继、视频、无源光纤网络(PON)、视频加密和数字视频切换等诸多课程。

Jim Nagle
Jim Nagle is a Senior Professional Trainer with 20-plus years of experience in the telecommunications industry. 培训经验广泛涵盖电缆和电信行业,包括硬件产品和软件产品。At CommScope he designs and delivers training for the Assurance product suite to MSOs globally, both on-site and remotely. 他拥有学士和MBA学位,而且持有项目管理证书。他荣获认证高级技师资格,一直担任NCTI学监。NCTI是一家杰出的宽带电缆技术人员和客户服务代表培训机构。同时也是SCTE会员。

Tom Wang
Tom Wang is a Senior Professional Instructor based out of the CommScope office in Suwanee, Georgia. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering Technology and has worked at CommScope for the last 23 years. During his first 13 years, he worked as a Staff Technical Support Engineer for Cornerstone Voice and Touchstone CPE products. For the past 10 years, he has provided training for the C4 CMTS and E6000 CER products. He is a CommScope Certified DOCSIS and CMTS Operator and is currently working on the new DOCSIS 3.1, Converged Cable Access Platform (CCAP) and Distributed Access Architecture (DAA) Technologies.
Resa - Innovative Telephone
Steven - NBN
Hector - Comcast
Jorge - 高级系统工程师
Brandt - 网络工程师
网络培训模块 – E6D101 – E6000 CER硬件概述
Anonymous - 软件工程师
Alejandro Echeverria – E6D203 - E6000 CER操作
Jose, Ingeniero Senior – Izzi Telecom
Tom Wang – E6D203 – E6000 CER操作
Kancelot,技术专家 - Telstra
Tom Wang – E6D203 – E6000 CER操作
Nathan Purcell,技术专家 – 网络 - Telstra
Tom Gibson – E6D203 – E6000 CER操作
Stephen,技术主管 - Telstra
Paul Lukowski – NXT301 – NBN
“感谢Paul Lukowski提供的杰出培训!”
- Udara Fonseka
Zoltan Kohel– E6D201 – Telco / Eltrona – Amsterdam
-Alper – Telco / Eltrona
Paul Lukowski – TEC202 – Charter - Denver
-Mark Gueller – Charter
Ramiro Vinueza – DAC402 – TIGO - Guatemala
-Oscar Queme’ – TIGO Guatemala