关于 10G 宽带的行业讨论

我们对 10G 宽带及其路线图了解多少?

The 10G platform—with its increased symmetrical speed, enhanced security, seamless connectivity, high reliability and low latency—is “the wired network of the future that will power the digital experiences and imaginations of consumers for years to come,” says Michael Powell, president and CEO of NCTA, the U.S. broadband industry’s main trade association.

10G 宽带是当前速度的巨大进步:a 4K UHD movie can be downloaded in one minute, for example. However, new mission-critical and business-critical services and information and entertainment don’t just need more speed; connectivity must also be secure and highly reliable. 用康普首席技术官办公室的 Charles Cheevers 的话来说:“世界上最快的速度如果不可靠,就毫无意义。” 

10G 宽带将支持需要快速、可靠地将固定和移动网络结合在一起的应用:智能城市、医疗保健、联网游戏、视频流、虚拟和增强现实、教育和商业。这将对创新经济的未来发挥作用。 

10G 宽带不会立即推出,而是逐步建立在北美、欧洲和亚洲大部分地区的现有基础设施上。根据 10G 平台,互联网提供商将通过利用现有的光纤网络和现有技术以及新技术来实现这一点,从而对网络的不同部分带来影响。