SYSTIMAX imVision®

The information and insights to manage today’s growing network complexity

Data drives your network. To keep it flowing efficiently and freely, your physical layer infrastructure must be managed in real-time, using authoritative information—not assumptions. Gaining the visibility and insights needed to make the right decisions gets tougher as networks converge and grow more complex. That’s why CommScope created SYSTIMAX imVision®, the industry’s leading Automated Infrastructure Management (AIM) platform.
With an intuitive, web-based architecture, imVision® delivers real-time intelligence and device discovery that allow you to monitor and document your cabling infrastructure while tracking the location of all connected network devices. It delivers actionable, real-time data and performance insights that enable you to optimize capacity, availability and efficiency. The critical information you need from the technology partner you trust.

imVision Product Catalog

imVision-Optimize capacity

Optimize capacity

Today’s networks are capacity-strained but often have resources that are not being utilized efficiently. A capacity upgrade is involved and costly and may even be unnecessary. How can you be sure?

imVision-Optimize availability

Optimize availability

Nobody can afford a service disruption. Worse yet, is the cost to resolve unplanned downtime. The best way to lower the cost is to prevent service issues from ever happening.

imVision-Optimize efficiency

Optimize efficiency

Nothing degrades network efficiency like stranded switch ports. Left unidentified, they continue to consume power and valuable white space. The cost and time needed to deploy and commission new servers is another efficiency-killer.

SYSTIMAX imVision® by the numbers


The software interface supports 15 different languages and customers in 65 countries


27 million installed intelligent ports


Number of certified imVision specialists = 300+


Easily scales to effectively manage 600k+ ports at single or multiple locations


Over 1300 supported network switches from 30 vendors


90+ patents




Why CommScope?


Simplicity and efficiency

CommScope simplifies network complexity by minimizing network silos, consolidating wired and wireless infrastructure, automating network monitoring, and providing a single source for managing your entire physical layer.


Reliability and security

From structured cabling to wired and wireless access networks, CommScope’s IT and OT networks deliver the always-on availability and iron-clad security that connects and protects your people, data and things.


Globally trusted

Backed by 40+ years of product innovation and industry leadership, CommScope helps guide the trajectory of tomorrow’s evolving network technologies. A global network of manufacturing, distribution and service capabilities ensure you have the expertise and solutions when and where you need them.

 imVision® – from then to now to next

Past: imVision has helped manage some of the world’s most complex networks.
Present: Today, CommScope is more committed to imVision than ever before.
Future: What’s next for imVision? Find out more.
Present: Today, CommScope is more committed to imVision than ever before.
Future: What’s next for imVision? Find out more.
Past: Since 2001, imVision has helped manage some of the world’s most complex networks.
Present: Today, CommScope is more committed to imVision than ever before.
Future: What’s next for imVision? Find out more.

Featured products

Featured resources

imVision® Sustainability


CommScope’s imVision® is the industry’s leading automated infrastructure management (AIM) solution. It's also improving the way businesses maintain visibility across their connected network environment in a sustainable way. 

Learn More

imVision® Automated Infrastructure Management


Get the complete story on CommScope’s revolutionary imVision AIM platform: from its standards-based design and applications to the platform’s components and power.


Then to now to next: imVision® turns 20


The story of imVision® is the story of the networks that helped shaped it. This infographic takes you from its origins as an intelligent patching solution to its future of AI, mobility and more.


imVision® gains real-time visibility into OSP cabling

Application Note

The integration of imVision® and VIAVI can alert imVision users about any fiber faults in OSP cabling in real-time.


imVision® Case Studies experience


Use this interactive tool to explore the network challenges that customers in a variety of industries have faced and learn how they solved each one with the help of CommScope and imVision®.


AIM Fact File

Get the how, what, when, where and why for all things AIM. This is your one one-stop resource for the world of Automated Infrastructure Management from the folks who know it best.

Learn more

imVision® Support Portal

Stay up-to-date on the latest imVision release notes, events, notifications and announcements through the imVision Support Portal. It’s also your gateway to the ROI calculator, demo opportunities and more. Be sure to bookmark the page for easy return.


We’re Here for You

Contact us to learn more about if Constellation is the right fit for your application.

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Additional resources

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  • Application Note: imVision® integrated with VIAVI FTH-5000

    The integration enables sending information about fiber faults in OSP fiber cabling via an SNMP trap from an FTH-5000 to the imVision System Manager software, alerting imVision users about any fiber faults in OSP cabling in real time and allowing users to identify the physical location of fiber faults on geomap.
  • White Paper: imVision® addresses needs for remote network management due to pandemic

    Due to the current pandemic, data centers not only need to meet the demands of their networks, but also insure a safe working environment for their employees. imVision, an Automated infrastructure management tool, helps solve this challenge.
imVision Deep Link integration with Netbox
imVision Deep Link integration with Solarwinds
Using INDOAR app to enhance user experience with imVision
ERA Communicaciones - Integrating imVision with Alexa
Netnix - Integrating imVision with CMDB
Joinpad - Remote support with Smart Assistance
LMG - Integrating imVision with Nlyte
Intergration of macmon NAC and imVision
Jointly developed integration between imVision and Viavi’s optical test unit
imVision and Matterport
Using ChatGPT to create an imVision report