

While it’s impossible to truly future-proof a network against challenges that don’t yet exist, enterprise networks can tilt the odds in their favor as they adapt to new application demands, more connected devices, and multi-network convergence—with the right infrastructure approach. Cat 6A, is versatile, capable, and plays an important role in network infrastructure moving forward. 但在了解 Cat 6A 的优势之前,让我们先来从战略概念的角度讨论一下多用途的重要性。

WD-40® lubricant, which is owned, branded, and manufactured by the WD-40 Manufacturing Company in San Diego, California, is one of the most versatile products on the market today—but it wasn’t supposed to be. 但是,原来的设想并非如此。其初衷是为了解决某个特定问题,仅此而已。原本的研发用途是作为航空航天工业的防锈溶剂和脱脂剂。

那是在 1953年。如今,WD-40 的已知用途已达数百种,而且人们还在不断想出新的用途。门铰链吱吱作响?用WD-40。想清除汽车格栅上的虫子?用WD-40。草坪上有杂草?WD-40——不胜枚举。如果说有什么让 WD-40 广为人知,那就是它的多功能性远远超出了它的本意。

Cat 6A is considered by many to be the most versatile twisted pair cable available—for good reason—and like WD-40, it too continues to find new uses beyond its original intent.

您会看到,Cat 6A 也是为了解决某个特定问题而开发的:在长达 100 米范围内实现 10Gb 以太网。为了做到这一点,我们需要开发出更好的外部串扰缓解措施,因为应用带宽已从 250 MHz 转变为 500 MHz。

缓解外部串扰。这就是动力。没有它,Cat 6A 就无从谈起。But because of it, we have the ability to deploy countless enterprise networks with confidence that these different systems will operate consistently as intended.

当连接线路从墙壁转移到天花板时,情况尤其如此。When you think of the variety and complexity of these different applications—such as Wi-Fi 6, in-building wireless, and a multitude of PoE devices—it becomes easy to see why you need the most robust infrastructure available.

These days, it seems like everything is running over twisted pair cable. 专用基础设施已经实现融合——四对布线现在支持大多数楼宇应用,从而实现智能楼宇并带来管理这些应用的全新方式。


From A/V services to indoor wireless networks, from wired LAN to building automation, sensor networks, and access control, Cat 6A has almost as many “off-label” uses as WD-40.

当然,并非所有应用都需要 Cat 6A(或 10Gb 带宽),但许多应用至少需要多千兆位,而且并不总是从一开始就知道需要在每段电缆上部署哪些应用。

Many times, people either trying to save money (or just being contrarians) try to claim that just about everything can run on plain old Cat 6, and that very few applications require speeds above 1 gigabit.

然而,有这样一个简单的事实是至关重要的:我们不知道未来几十年我们会在网络上运行什么样的新应用。二十年前,我们只需要 Cat 6A 做一件事。Today, there are a myriad of applications running over twisted pair cable, many of which require Cat 6A’s exceptional capabilities and nothing less. With the recent explosion of AI, and the ongoing evolution of the smart building, those who still promote Cat 6 over Cat 6A are quickly running out of solid reasons for their preference.

查阅过去几年批准的各种标准,您会发现一个共同点,那就是都在推荐或要求使用 Cat 6A。It’s only a matter of time before we see this specification across the board for all applications and spaces relying on twisted pair cable for their infrastructure.

From applications like Wi-Fi 6 and PoE++ to spaces such as data centers, healthcare, and education, the strong recommendation for Cat 6A continues to grow and evolve.

View CommScope’s Cat 6a Products

让我们来看一看最适合采用 Cat 6A 并因此推动了相关多用途和功能需求的几个应用:

  • Wi-Fi 6/6E: While Cat5e and Cat 6cabling could support early Wi-Fi 6 deployments with 2.5GBASE-T or 5GBASE-T, this is not expected to be the case in the future. 如今的 802.11ax (Wi-Fi 6) 接入点允许的最大速度为 6.77 Gbps,因此需要 10GBASE-T 连接才能支持最高的数据速率。TSB-162-A, Telecommunications Cabling Guidelines for Wireless Access Points, also recommends running at least Cat 6A or higher cabling to all wireless access points.
  • High-performance computing and edge compute: Many industry sectors now utilize high-performance computing platforms to support highly bandwidth-intensive applications such as streaming video, medical imaging, centralized applications, high-end graphics, visualization technologies, and data clustering. In addition, edge compute continues to grow as advanced applications demand it. Cat 6A’sexpanded data capacity will be key to enabling these capabilities.
  • Storage area networks (SAN)/network attached storage (NAS): 10-Gigabit Ethernet enables cost-effective, high-speed infrastructure for both network-attached storage (NAS) and storage area networks (SAN). 10-Gigabit Ethernet can offer equivalent or superior data-carrying capacity at latencies similar to many other storage networking technologies, including Fiber Channel, ATM OC-3, OC-12, and OC-192, and InfiniBand.
  • Multi-site collaboration: Collaboration tools are emerging that enable conference participants to write or draw on a blank slide, connect to a website, and engage in private communication with the conferencing host or any other participants. 这些协作工具对带宽的需求将越来越高,而 10Gb 以太网连接将是实现企业内多站点协作的主要链路。
  • Grid computing: 网格计算使得整个网络中“多余”的桌面 CPU 计算能力在所需的大型计算工作中得到充分利用。它可以有效地提供“跨网络”计算能力来支持此类应用。它可以有效地提供“跨网络”计算能力来支持此类应用。This demands high-speed connections among participating compute platforms, making Cat 6Athe logical Ethernet choice.


回顾 Cat 6A 布线系统的多用途和高性能,我们会发现它支持开发和部署当今企业不可或缺的多带宽密集型应用。而且,这种局面还在继续,它仍然是现代新建筑的推荐基础设施,并有望在未来许多年内继续发挥价值。自标准最初以草案形式发布以来近二十年间,其销售量的持续增长就是明证


Cat 6A 用途广泛且功能强大堪比网络基础设施领域的 WD-40。

To learn more about how CommScope’s SYSTIMAX®, Uniprise®, and NETCONNECT® Cat 6A portfolios can help you build a more resilient and adaptable network, check out our Cat 6A Resource Page.

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