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VCORE | vCore

  • Available in:
  • Asia
  • Australia/New Zealand
  • EMEA
  • Latin America
  • North America

Virtualized Converged Cable Access Platforms Core (vCore)

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Features and Benefits
Flexible platforms for Distributed Access Architectures (CAAs & DAAs)

Service Providers need increased head-end bandwidth capacity from their CMTS solutions, with the capability to scale high-speed data, voice over IP, and video services. They want the flexibility while leveraging the investment in their installed base of network hardware.

The vCore Virtual CCAP (vCore) Solution is a flexible platform for Distributed Access Architectures (DAAs) which offers Service Providers the ability to optimize resources through:
  • Elastic and flexible scaling
  • Software scalability: One service group to hundreds
  • Smaller step function: Ability to quickly scale up or scale down
  • Seamless scaling with CPU Cores and clock speed
  • Mac Domain Scaling – Multiple SGs per vCore

Product Classification

Regional Availability Asia | Australia/New Zealand | EMEA | Latin America | North America
Product Type Virtualized system

Product Classification

Regional Availability Asia | Australia/New Zealand | EMEA | Latin America | North America
Product Type Virtualized system